**Goat Milk--When it goes through the saponification process to make soap it retains glycerin which helps retain moisture in your skin
during cleansing.
Contains properties to help with skin rejuvenation.
Natural emollients, vitamins A & B, triglycerides, minerals
Relieves dryness and itching; helps with skin conditions like
**Olive Oil--Moisturizer, high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, helps to
anti-fungal, antibacterial
**Coconut Oil--Anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties.
Helps with aging skin, combats wrinkles, good for eczema,
**Palm Oil—Contains antioxidants that help with aging skin. Creates a
softer younger looking skin. Contains Vitamin E, K, high in fats
beta-carotine, & anti-oxidants.
**Almond Oil (Sweet)-- Relieves itching, soreness, dryness & inflammation
caused by eczema, psoriasis & any type of dermatitis.
Useful against burns & thread veins, lubricating- not absorbed
quickly but easily.
Contains minerals, vitamins A, B, B6, E, fatty acids, oleic and
some linoleic acids
**Apricot Kernal Oil-- Good for mature skin. Helps with irritated, inflamed,
and acne prone skin. Absorbed easilly. Has Vitamin A & E.
**Castor Oil-- Soothes and promotes healing of dry skin. It's germicidal, antifungal,
and insecticidal. Contains fatty acids to help prevent drying and acts
as a barrier on the skin.
**Flax Oil-- Contains omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, vitamin B & K, zinc, lecithin, magnesium
Helps reduce inflammation & promote healing; helps with psoriasis, eczema,
acne, & sunburn skin; helps to seal moisture in the skin.
**Grapeseed Oil-- Helps promote hair growth, has astringent properties, regenerative &
restructuring qualities that combat the effects of aging & has powerful
antioxidants. Emollients help seal moisture in the skin.
**Hazelnut Oil-- Astringent, readily absorbed, helps to tone & tighten the skin, deep
penetrating & stimulating to circulatory system, non-greasy.
**Neem (Tree) Oil -- For pets--helps to kill fleas and ticks. Contains omega 6 & 9 fatty
acids, Vit E, contains azadirachtin--regulator of insect growth,
antiseptic, anti-parasitic, antiviral, used to alleve dry itchy skin and to
treat acne, boils, head lice, and scabies
**Safflower Oil-- Good for mature or drying skin, highly moisturizing, conditions skin,
contains vit E, omega 6, high in linoleic acid
**Shay Butter-- A cuticle & skin softner, absorbed quickly and good for dry, cracked
skin. Used to relieve muscle aches.
**Sunflower Oil-- Creates protective barrier against irritants to skin. Rick in omega 6,
vitamins A,C,D,E & high in essential fatty acids. Conditioning and
regenerative to the skin.
**Tea Tree Oil-- Natural antibacterial disinfectant, helps agains fungus, viruses &
bacteria. Good for skin ailments like: acne, abscesses, oily skin, blisters,
sun burns, athletes foot, warts, insect bites, rashes & dandruff.
**Walnut Oil-- Easily absorbed, moisturizing, regenerative, & has toning properties.
Rich in antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B 1,2,3, E, C, niacin,
& antioxidants. Helps with eczema, psoriasis, skin paracites, and
skin wounds.
**Wheat Germ Oil-- Combats oxidation process of skin cells due to free radicals and
exposure to the elements. Helps prevent & aids in treatment of dry,
rough, and aging skin.
Contains oleic & linoleic fatty acids that are soothing to the skin, high
in vitamin A,E,D, & B complex, carotenoids, lecithin, minerals, proteins.
do for your skin. This is the highlights of my research on them.